Crime of misconduct in office may be traced back for a long time in history . there is no exception to this in morden or ancient times , in china or elsewhere . in ancient ages , a traditional idea goes : " a wise king does n ' t govern the common people but the official " in china . in light with it . the legislation of the crime of misconduct in office is characterized by its substantial , detailed and complete content 渎职犯罪可谓久远根深,古今中外俱存。我国古代便有“明主治吏不治民”的传统,反映在立法上,对渎职犯罪的规定内容庞大、细密完整,其某些立法技术及内容至今仍具有借鉴意义。
Therefore , it would be significant to china ' s legislation of crime of misconduct in office , if we borrow the advantages of foreign legilation to remedy our own defects . in view of the above , this thesis tries to analyse the major contents of foreign and china ' s legislation of crime in office and make a comparision between ancient china ' s , foreign and present legislation of crime of misconduct in office to deduce the defects of its practice use . finally , it tries to put forward some comprehensive concerned measures 他山之石,可以攻玉;对国外立法进行比较和借鉴,取他人之长,补己之短,无疑对我国渎职犯罪的立法完善具有重要意义。本文正是着眼于这一角度,对我国古代和国外的渎职犯罪立法规定的主要内容进行分析,权衡其利弊之处,相应对比出我国现行刑法关于渎职犯罪立法的某些不足,从而提出一些针对性的完善措施。